15th Annual Mardi Gras Gala and Parade
“Urban Cowboy” Style, February 8, 2025
Geny White, Chair for the Mardi Gras Gala announced the theme for the February 8, 2025 event. Get out your boots and let us do a little Two-Stepping to the sounds of The Al White Band and DJ Wayne Sanders. There are various sponsorship levels or individual tickets. The registration form is available now for signing up. Again, this year there will be a Raffle with monetary prizes of 1st Place - $5000; 2nd Place - $2500; and 3rd Place - $1000. The tickets are $100 each and only 300 will be sold!! The parade will begin at noon and start at Palmer and 29th Street. The Gala will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a VIP Happy Hour for the top three sponsor levels. Forms are on the tables, available from Dawn, emailed with the weekly meeting notice and on the website. You can also register at the Mardi Gras website www.mainlandmardigras.com